Uploading Files

The easiest way to upload media to your server is with the MediaUploader class, which handles validating the file, moving it to its destination and creating a Media record to reference it. You can get an instance of the MediaUploader using the Facade and configure it with a fluent interface.

To upload a file to the root of the default disk (set in config/mediable.php), all you need to do is the following:

use MediaUploader; //use the facade
$media = MediaUploader::fromSource($request->file('thumbnail'))->upload();

The fromSource() method will accept either

  • an instance of Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\File.
  • an instance of Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\UploadedFile.
  • a URL as a string, beginning with http:// or https://.
  • an absolute path as a string, beginning with /.

Specifying Destination

You can customize where the uploader will put the file on your server before you invoke the upload() method.

$uploader = MediaUploader::fromSource($request->file('thumbnail'))

// specify a disk to use instead of the default

// place the file in a directory relative to the disk root

// alternatively, specify both the disk and directory at once
->toDestination('s3', 'user/john/profile')

// Overide the filename of the source file



The MediaUpload will perform a number of validation checks on the source file. If any of the checks fail, a Plank\Mediable\MediaUploaderException will be through with a message indicating why the file was rejected.

You can override the most validation configuration values set in config/mediable.php on a case-by-case basis using the same fluent interface.

$media = MediaUploader::fromSource($request->file('image'))

    // model class to use

    // maximum filesize in bytes

    // how to handle a file that already exists at the destination

    // whether the aggregate type must match both the MIME type and extension

    // whether to allow the 'other' aggregate type

    // only allow files of specific MIME types

    // only allow files of specifc extensions
    ->setAllowedExtensions(['jpg', 'jpeg'])

    // only allow files of specific aggregate types
